Day 57


Day 57. We’re on day 57 of quarantine. At least I am. Mr. was going in to work for a while longer than I was. I’m fortunate enough to be working from home all this time. But let’s start at the beginning. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I have been wanting to reach out to all of my BSers. I’ve wanted to write something profound, prolific. This is a once in a lifetime occurrence we are living through. I’ve also been thinking about how naive we were. In the beginning, Drinking Buddy and I were like, “Hey! WFH! Let’s take advantage of this time off and enjoy some daydrinking!” HA! Little did we know, we’d be sitting around at home. Alone. With unwashed hair. Not remembering the last time we changed out of our ratty t-shirt. But the daydrinking is still happening. Perhaps a little more often than we’d like. And the projects! So many things would be accomplished! Cleaning out closets. Organizing that bookcase, and these shelves! Deep cleaning the kitchen! None of that has happened. Not even touched upon. I haven’t even filed my taxes yet.

What about when this is all over? Will it ever be all “over?” I’m not even sure how I feel about that. The bottom line is, despite all of my planning, despite all of my thinking, I’m just trying to hold my shit together. I hope you’re doing a better job of it than I am. Until we meet again…

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