Aren’t you vaccinated yet? Did you get your first dose yet? Are you registered to get your vaccine? I feel like I have been getting ALLLLL of the questions all of the time, and my answer has been “no”. I almost felt guilty with that reply. Like people were judging me, whispering behind my back “unclean“. So, today, Mr. and I were fortunate enough to be able to get our first dose. We registered online for the Rite Aid right down the street on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore. Registration was easy, and we had to wait less than a week for our appointments. We checked in at the pharmacy, waited a few minutes (we were early, as always). They even asked us if we would like to go in together. One little jab, and we were set! So, we got our date for the next dose, and they even said it might be sooner. So, still playing it safe, but gradually moving forward…

The Scarlet Letter

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